In life, everyone has to go past this moment at least once. Its called "Being a dick ."
I used to remember times where I was just plainly being an asshole saying insensitive things making situations very awkward. I know, I still can be somewhat a jerk at times. But I'm sure the people reading this would agree as well, that everyone has been a douche or is a douche. I remember saying things which spoiled the whole mood, doing things .
The best is, I remember once my friend was showing me a singer singing this song. He told me that it had a lot of difficulty and is a very hard song. But I heard it and being the jerk, I said actually its quite easy. I then carried on to try to sing it and ended up off tune. Well, life is inevitable. I know millions of people has had thoughts that if there were a time machine for them to go back and correct their past mistakes, they would be such a better person. But I think life is life, and what is done is done.
I seriously hope that I will think before I talk and really start to grow up.
Atheistic views, Vocal admiration, Feelings and Emotions.
the real superstar
After turning into a dead webpage, I shall change all the brightly coloured, hearty blogskin to a vocally talented skin, Adam Glambert.
I ain't gay, but I adore what he does to a song, and brings it to a whole new level.
I'm currently a sec5 student , residing in Singapore. I am ATHEIST, but I do not condemn all religions.
My principle is, If I do no harm unto others, and love other people, I deserve as much as anyone else to be let into heaven.
♥ :Jaejoong, Adam Lambert, Miyavi, Takanori, PARK HYO SHIN, Steven Tyler, Angela Glasgow, Junsu
Natsuki - Ane Dokii , Yami - To LOVE- Ru, Tsunade - Naruto. I spend time on music, comics, hanging out partying til morning.
Vodka, Kahlua, Baileys, rainbow, heineken, carlsberg, kirin, sake, BRING IT.
This is my personal page, with personal messages. If you are offended by anything I said, I do not apologize because I have my own freedom of speech.
I doubt I'd see clowns here, but who knows? bolditalicunderlinestrikethrough